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Hire Carlos


Welcome to the Scalability & Sustainability Circle, where Carlos Conejo, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, leads transformative solutions for Process and Operational Performance. Our comprehensive services encompass reducing costs, increasing profits, and elevating performance metrics. Experience heightened efficiency through increased capacity, minimized scrap, and improved First Pass yield with a dedicated focus on Statistical Process Control. Implement the PDCA Cycle for meticulous Process Improvement and instill a culture of teamwork and innovation. Engage your workforce in problem-solving and continuous improvement, fostering a compelling organizational culture.

Scalability & Sustainability Circle

Solutions for Process and Operational Performance:

Reduce cost & Increase Profits

Increase Capacity

Reduce Scrap

Improved First Pass yield

Drive to Statistical Process Control

PDCA Cycle for Process Improvement

Team Building and Cultural Transformation

Create a compelling culture where employees are engaged & Involved in problem-solving and continuous innovation

CEO & C-Suite Coaching, Mentoring and Development

Emotional EQ

Effective Change Management

Leading with Purpose

Strategic Deployment & Balanced Scorecards

VisionWEB® Team Builder Simulation

Hire Carlos

“Ready to propel your business to new heights and optimize EBITDA growth? Take the first step towards lasting transformation, impactful adult learning, and cutting-edge executive coaching. Contact us today to embark on a journey of organizational excellence and sustainable success.”

“Embark on a transformative journey as you dominate with the Scalability & Sustainability Circle. We place a profound emphasis on developing a positive organizational culture at the heart of our approach. Recognizing that a robust culture is not just a component but the very heartbeat of achievement, we understand its impact on your organization’s overall success. Fostering a positive workplace environment is not just a strategy; it’s an indispensable catalyst propelling us towards new heights of excellence. Join us on this transformative journey, where the heartbeat of positivity, guided by the Scalability & Sustainability Circle, fuels your success and creates a thriving ecosystem. In this dynamic realm, our Scalability & Sustainability Circle ensures that each individual contributes to the symphony of accomplishment and fulfillment. Ready to dominate? Contact us today and let the heartbeat of transformation and excellence drive lasting change in your organization.”

Work With Carlos


    Executive Coaching:
    • Coaching Approach
    • Middle Management Coaching & Development
    • CultureShift(™) Empowerment Culture
    • Six Sigma Statistical Analysis
    • Automation and AI (IoT)
    • Testimonials
    Focused Kaizen “Blitz” Events:
    • 3 or 5 Day Focuses Improvement Implementation
    • 5 Day Machinery Quick Change-overs. We usually get about a 50% improvement or more
    • Testimonials
    • Leadership Academy
    • Effective Change Management & CultureShift(™)
    • Talent Optimization
    • Lean Six Sigma Boot camp & Academy
    • Benefits of…
    VisionWEB® Team & Collaboration Builder Simulation:
    • Overview
    • Benefits of…
    • How it Works
    • Case Studies
    Transformative Adult Learning Experiences:
    • Experiential Learning Tools
    • Simulations
    • Benefits
    • Client Success Stories
    Keynote Speaking:
    • Keynote Topics
    • Audience Reactions
    • Booking Information

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    Everlead Theme.

    457 BigBlue Street, NY 10013
    (315) 5512-2579

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