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Supervisor & Manger’s Playbook


Middle managers are on the front lines of an organization, in close contact with both the executives they report to and the employees they supervise. That makes them an invaluable resource for improving communication about company culture and values. This book will help your Supervisors and Managers become doers and fixers. They can then administer culture initiatives, keep an eye out for culture problems and help solve them, solicit valuable employee feedback, and help employees stay focused on the organization’s policies, values, and goals. No wonder Gallup research finds that across organizations, managers are responsible for 70 percent of the variance in employee engagement. Good supervisors and managers foster a culture of trust where employees talk openly and regularly with them, whether it’s in weekly team meetings, formal performance reviews, or just chatting around the water cooler. According to another Gallup poll, organizations that more fully- engage their employees out-perform their competition by 147%. This book will help give your supervisors and managers that “extra edge.”



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